Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Rice water for acne pimples

Rice water for acne pimples

If you are worried for acne and pimples, then try rice water mask.All ingredients of this mask will be in your kitchen so need not to go out.Rice water absorbs oil,cleans clog and removes acne scars.It decreases aging effects.Rice water contains anti inflammatory properties which sooth acne itching.It also protects our skin from harmful UV rays.Rice water removes dead cells and black heads from face which helps our skin to look brighter and glowing.Rice water mask is very effective in lightening dark spots and removing acne scars.

Rice water has been used for many years as an effective natural beauty home remedy by Subcontinent women.In our traditional stories, women boil rice for sweet dish and use rice water for skin and hair especially in China, Bangladesh,India and Pakistan.

How to use:

Mix one table spoon rice water,1/4 tea spoon salt,half tea spoon green tea  and one table spoon honey.Before applying wash your face thoroughly.Apply the mask by massaging the paste on your face  in circulatory motion.Leave it to rest 15 to 20 minute.And rinse with cold water.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Carrot an acne fighting food

Carrot an acne fighting food

Today, I have brought a yummy tip to cure acne and pimples.This red vegetable help you to become red red!This is carrot.Carrot contains a lot of skin's health benefits.Many sweet and salty dishes are made by carrot, all have vital effects on skin.It is full of vitamin A and minerals which is necessary for nourishing your skin.Regular use of carrot increases blood level in the body  which makes skin fresh.Carrot juice reduces inflammation and soothe the skin.It strengthen skin's defense against bacteria.This delicious juice also removes acne scars.Carrot is  such a healthier acne fighting food available in a very low cost.Everyone facing acne and pimples problem can use it easily.Carrot is also a ready made remedy just wash it and eat, no more arrangements required.

Carrot Juice, Juice, Carrots

How to use

For more benefits drink a glass of carrot juice with a tea spoon lemon juice daily.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Garlic for acne scars

Garlic for acne scars

Garlic is  a magical healing benefits specie.Because of its antibacterial,anti fungal and antiviral properties, it treats acne scars and prevents its breakout permanently.A lot of people use garlic in meal daily.Its regular consumption increases immunity, so that is the reason you are protected against acne cause by bacteria clog.Garlic is capable of stimulate  the blood circulation of skin which nourish the skin with necessary vitamins and minerals had the healthy looking aspects.

Garlic, Flavoring, Food Seasoning

How to use

  • Mix 2 spoon garlic juice into equal amount of rose water, now clean pimples and scars with sponge gently.I will not recommend usage of garlic juice pure, because of skin sensitivity.It always should be used with rose water, honey or even simple water if nothing is available. 
  • No doubt it is not tasty in eating but don't bother its bitterness.It will be beneficial too in eating.

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