Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Vicks leaves steam inhalation for chronic cough

Steam inhalation of  Vicks leaves for chronic cough

Chronic cough may be treated with Vicks leaves steam inhalation.The vicks leaves contains sames properties of vicks vaporub.These leaves may be easily available at herb stores.The vicks leaves  steam inhalation will help to clear mucus and phlegm causing chest congestion and  coughing for a longer period of time.Sometimes you are tired of using medicines for cough.You are taking very high potency medicines but it provides you temporary relief and after few hours you start coughing because of seasonal effects.This is the time you should apply steaming method.It will provide you immediate relief.Also can ease your breathing and coughing.Steam inhalation is equally beneficial for children and adult.Treating with hot water steam require some precautions, so that you may not hurt.After steam inhalation, don't go out in open air at once.Because when you contact with cool air after hot water's stream, it causes pneumonia or other cold problems.This carelessness may cause bump on skin.So stay in for 5 to 10 minute,drink a glass of water to avoid dehydration.

Vicks Plant, Succulent, Water, Droplets, Herb

How to use

Boil one cup vicks leaves (you can use 2spoon vicks vaporub instead of leaves)with 4 to 5 kg water   in a pot containing 6 kg capacity and keep cover this boiling water so steam may not waste.Now put the flame off and keep the pot on flour.Cover yourself with a towel and inhale the vapor steam.While steaming keep yourself away from hot water at least 2 feet.Steam must reach directly to the nose and mouth for 4 to 5 minutes. Keep closing your eyes so steam may not contact to them.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Ginger,cinnamon & green tea

Ginger,cinnamon & green tea

Ginger,cinnamon & green tea  mixture is a vital thing for chronic cough.When mucus is stuck in the chest and won't come out, it causes coughing for a long time.If you are dealing with a persistent cough, you must have chest congestion.

Using of ginger,cinnamon and green tea  make easier to expel mucus by coughing.This mixture tea also can be used for ordinary cough and provides immediate relief in all types of cold problems.

Spices, Garlic, Peppermint, Cinnamon

How to use

Boil two cup water, two tea spoon green tea, half tea spoon ginger and half tea spoon cinnamon for 15 minutes at a low flame.When it remain one cup, sieve it.Now mix one tea spoon honey and drink it hot once a day until you get rid of  chronic cough.  

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Nutmeg cure cough and cold

Nutmeg (Jaiphal,Javitri)

Nutmeg (Jaiphil) is used to treat cough ,cold and pneumonia. This is a vital thing in winter season.Regular use of nutmeg will decrease your hospital visit in cold season.From very early time, nutmeg is used for cough and cold problems. Let suppose you are visiting a hill station or you are at a village where is lack of medical facilities, one of your family member start coughing and crying with pain in chest because of pneumonia.You can't arrange a medicine or doctor immediately.Your only doctor is your kitchen at this time.Just one cup of nutmeg warm tea will give quick relief in cough and chest pain.  

If you are a mother of  little children then nutmeg is essential thing for you to protect your child from cough and cold in winter.It is easily available and quick in response.Nutmeg is effective in both acute and chronic cough.

Investigation, Stethoscope, To Listen

How to use

  • Mix grind nutmeg with equal quantity of honey.Give a pinch of this mixture  to your child daily through out winter season. 
  • Boil one cup water with a tea spoon nutmeg powder and drink this warm tea for quick relief.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Oat mask for acne pimples

Oat mask

Oat flour mask named Ubton is famous for various benefits regarding skin care.It is good for all type of skins.So for as acne treatment is concern, oat flour contains antioxidant and anti inflammatory properties.This mask cleans dirt and excess oil from pores.It smooths and calm the irritation of acne pimples.

From our childhood,we used to hear a lot of oat flour benefits stories from our mothers and their mothers (grandma).The oat mask was used in their marriages daily for many weeks.Oat flour with turmeric and milk  was single  choice for beautiful skin in these days.Still a lot of modern creams and face wash contain oat extracts.Oat contains zinc that kill the acne causing bacteria. 

Wheat, Ears Of Wheat, Agriculture

How to use

  • Mix one cup oat flour in half cup milk, yolk of  an egg ,half tea spoon honey and 1/4 tea spoon turmeric.Apply it on face and wash your face after 15 minutes. 
  • Soak 2 spoon oat in one glass of fresh water at night and drink this water before breakfast.It will control acne pimples through controlling digestion problems.  

Friday, December 13, 2019

Gram flour mask for acne pimples

Urad Dhal, White, Indian Food, Black Gram, India

Gram flour mask:

Home remedies for acne topic is incomplete without gram flour mask.Gram flour (Basen or Channe ka atta) contains amazing skin benefits .In Subcontinent,peoples had been using gram flour for centuries.Gram flour is not only used for making rotti, but also caring skin.The old women used to apply basen mask for glowing  skin and  also as a cleanser. In these days, before marriage ceremony of a girl used to start basen with turmeric daily as  whitening facial.Gram flour contains higher portion of  Protein, which is good for acne pimples.When we treat acne with basen mask,it deeply cleans the dirt and oil from pores, nourishes skin.This mask can be used for all types of  skin, especially for oily skin to remove pimple spots and to smooth skin.Gram flour is also used as a natural face wash.

How to use

Half cup basen should be mixed with one spoon honey, yolk of an egg and four spoon yogurt for gram flour mask.Apply it twice a week.

Using as face wash, two spoon basen should mix with half cup milk,massage gently 3 to 5 minute and wash with fresh water.    

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Aloe Vera for skin

Aloe Vera:

  Aloe Vera uses for face acne and many other beauty concern. This plant is itself a beauty tip. Aloe Vera need not to extract or mix some ingredients. In rural areas, where the lake of facilities, Aloe Vera leaf is directly used at acne pimples. It contains antioxidants vitamins A and C.
It is highly inflammatory. Aloe Vera also treats burns and dry skin. It is a good moisturizer. People want the benefits of aloe vera overnight. Aloe vera gel on the face every day has magical effects.

How to use:

 Being antibacterial it can be used on its own or in combination with other natural 
products. Apply Aloe Vera to the affected area and leave it on overnight. It is important to wash
it off in the morning for good results.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Jojoba oil home remedy for acne pimple

Oil, Glass, Bottle, Honeysuckle, Yellow, Beauty

Jojoba Oil

Whenever acne problems are discussed, jojoba oil is seem prominent home remedy for acne issue.Jojoba oil has a verity of healing properties that make it effective in treating skin conditions 
like acne,pimple, pores and swelling. 

From thousands of years jojoba oil is using as a skin treatment supplement. Jojoba oil is a waxy substance.It is included in most of cream and gels. It is full of  benefits for whole body but at this time we concern about skin care i.e

  • Treat acne pimples
  • Avoid wrinkles 
  • Glowing skin

How to use

Jojoba oil can be used directly as a skin cleanser by placing a small amount onto the fingertips or soft cotton pad.Massage gently on the face.Or it can be mixed with other oil or  cream to calm and smooth acne inflammation. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Chronic Cough

Related image

Chronic Cough

The cough is called chronic if this cough last for more than a month.There are some viral illness that cause a cough that lasts for more more than 4 weeks.It would be deemed as chronic cough.                 

Reasons for chronic cough.                                                                                                                   

  • Asthma  
  •  Foreign body  
  • Gastrointestinal
  • Habit cough
  • Infection
  • Upper airway cough syndrome                                                                                                                                                                                        

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Why do we Cough?

Image result for free images cold

Why do we cough?

Before starting discussion on cough and its home remedies we need to know about cough and  types of cough.So that we can treat cough according to its type We cough for many reasons.We cough to protect our air way from irritants. We cough to clear the mucus we make on daily basis and the extra mucus we have when we are sick and cough can be an early warning sign of disease.

We have many cough receptors in our body through the air way.Their job is to sense irritants and send single up to the brain and that sends signal back to the body to produce that cough and so on. There is two types of cough

  • Acute Cough
  • Chronic Cough

Acute Cough

It is depend upon the  time period. Acute cough is cured in less than one month. 90% of acute cough resolves spontaneously.These are  usually caused by viral illness.The symptoms last 7 to 14 days and in most of cases symptoms and the cough goes away on their own.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Tea Tree Oil for acne issue

Image result for free images for tea tree oil

Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil is very popular for treating acne because of its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.It is thought to calm redness, swelling, and inflammation.It may even help to prevent and reduce acne scars.Tea tree oil is consider reliable for smooth and clear skin.It has the potential to lower bacteria levels on the skin, reducing inflammation and targeting breakout.

How to use

Tea tree oil should not apply directly to skin.It is important to mix it with oil oil,coconut oil or almond oil.Avoid using closer to the eyes.Before using tea tree oil, do a patch test to make sure your skin does not react to the tee tree oil.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Treatment of acne flax seed

Flax Seed

Flax seed is riches with omega 3 Fatty Acids.Fatty acids are important  components of the human body, having biological, structural and functional role.It is used by the skin s sebaceous gland for the production of sebum.Having anti-inflammatory and calming actions on  the skin,as well as balancing the hormones. Essential fatty acid are a must in the diet of anyone who suffers with acne or other skin problems. Flax seed can also be easily available on any herb stores.

How to use

One spoon of flax seed should be used before breakfast.

pumpkin seed home remedy for acne

Pumpkin seed

We can solve our most of health issues through healthy food.Pumpkin is used as a natural home remedy for various stomach and eyesight issues.We can use pumpkin seed  in acne problem.Pumpkin seed contain Zinc,Iron Protein, and Fiber.

How to use

One tea spoon of pumpkin seed should be used before breakfast. It is easily available at any herb store or fertilizer seed shops.

Home remedies for acne

Acne is  most common skin condition in teen age girls and boys.It is because of wrong diet,infection with allergy and changing or disorder of hormone.According to research about 80 percent of people in this age faces this problem. Many natural home remedies can improve anyone person s acne and pimple problems.Natural healthy tips for acne include gentle herbal creams and gels,essential oil, natural supplements, and some simple lifestyle changes.Acne develops when pores become infected with bacteria. 

People can use specific natural home remedies to help balance the skin s oil levels,reduce inflammation,kill bacteria,and prevent future acne breakout.Before starting discussion on acne treatment it is necessary to know why this problem occur?And what are the actual causes of acne,pimple and pores.So that one can increase or decrease a specific amount of factors involving in this issue.There is a long list of acne causes but these three are most important to keep in mind while making a chart of remedies.

1.Wrong diet

2. Harmone disorder and changing

3.Oily skin or infection with allergy

Now we will see some important home remedies to avoid acne

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